Sunday, August 06, 2006

Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon

DH and Russell are in New York. The past two years they went as a birthday present to Russell for the big Red vs Blue event at the Lincoln Center. This year they're bumming around Manhattan. (And maybe seeing Spamalot. If so, I'll be seriously jealous.)

So I'm being a bum here at home. My big claim toward "getting things done" today has been cutting coupons and going through the bills.

And watching the latest Project Runway on the DVR. I saw repeats of the last few episodes earlier this summer and now I'm hooked. Definitely lurve that show.

Love me some Shakespeare, too. While channel flipping, I caught the end of A Midsummer Night's Dream and saw a very familiar face.

Dame Judi Dench, anyone?

Judi would have been around 34 when this aired in 1968 and she was absolutely stunning. Fabulous cast, too. I like this comment from IMDb : "and for those who only know Judi Dench as dowdy or as Queen Elizabeth, in this film she plays the queen of the fairies, Titania, in a costume consisting only of three small leaves! She might have been the sexiest Titania ever. "

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